REGISTER NOW: CCC High Performance Coaching Seminar »

Club Coaches

The registration fee will increase for the High Performance Coach Seminar, following Friday March 15, 2019.

Coaches have two options for signing up for all or part of the workshop:

OPTION "A" : Full seminar with a social dinner Friday night $250 ( registration fee will increase to $300 after March 15, 11:59 EST ), final deadline April 21st.

Participant eligibility : Open to coaches with xc ski Comp-Intro advanced (T2T) TRAINED status or above, or biathlon coaches with a Comp Dev IN TRAINING status or above by the 24th of April, 2019. Developing coaches may need to plan upcoming workshops accordingly.

OPTION "B" (open to all!): Opening workshop - Includes Friday night presentation "Identifying the Gaps" (Nicolas Lemyre, PHD) and dinner/social + Saturday morning presentation "Developing Better People and Better Athletes Through Coaching" (Professor Jean Côté) ($60). Final deadline April 21st.

Location: Bill Warren Training Center, 100-1995 Olympic Way, Canmore, AB, CA, T1W 2T6

Locker registration page for Option A: 

Locker registration page for Option B:

Ilona Gyapay | Coach and Athlete Development Coordinator
Cross Country Canada | Ski de fond Canada
100-1995 Olympic Way | Canmore, Alberta | Canada | T1W 2T6
T: 403.678.6791 x 41 F: 403.678.3885 |

